Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon essential oil (EO) is extracted by steam distillation from the outer bark of the cinnamon tree. It has been used by The Egyptians in 2000 B.C. as a perfume and embalming agent.

Native plants of Asia and India, today there are over 100 varieties of cinnamon. The two most common are Ceylon cinnamon and Chinese cinnamon.  

Cinnamon is highly concentrated amounts of anti-oxidants which makes it an effective blood sugar stabilizer, circulation mover and a natural digestive aid.

It also stimulates the immune system and like most essential oils has viral and bacterial fighting capabilities.


Eight Special Benefits of Cinnamon EO

  1. Boosts brain activity. Research has shown just the aroma of cinnamon can boost memory and attention span and visual- motor response speed.
  2. Controls diabetes, has positive effects on insulin release and balances sugar levels. It can control food cravings by inhaling the aroma of cinnamon.
  3. Aids digestion. A compound, eugenol, can combat the gastric effects of a poor diet. It works well to prevent ulcers or the pain and intensity of ulcers. It aids with flatulence, indigestion or diarrhea.


  1. Helps circulation and decreases buildup of atherosclerosis. Beneficial for those with heart disease.



  1. Removes bad breath, used in many gum and mouth products.


  1. Help fight skin infections by adding cinnamon with carrier oil on affected skin areas to control microbial populations. And it inhibits the growth of lice, scabies and certain parasites.



  1. Can help with weight loss due to its fat burning capabilities. It slows the rate of which glucose is released into the blood stream. It is really effective for curbing your sweet tooth!


  1. Added for flavoring in cooking due to a compound cinnamaldehyde, used in foods as a flavor enhancement.


Cinnamon oil is a bit different than the dried cinnamon powder used in cooking. The oil is a more potent form with special compounds not found in the powdered form.

There are two forms of cinnamon oil available; one is from the bark and the other from the leaf. Both are beneficial but the cinnamon bark oil has the ability to dilate blood vessels and enhance nitric oxide function. The bark is sweeter and the best choice in most cases.


A Word of Caution: cinnamon oil is very strong. So, be careful, make sure it is very dilute. If using as in a diffuser, you only need a few drops. You can blend cinnamon oil with others like ginger, clove, cardamom, bergamot, or citrus oils.

 Good as a massage oil, in diluted form, for on stomach for digestive issues or fungal or bacterial infections.

Really, you need very little for flavoring. When taking it internally, you only need a drop for in cooking, say for those nice cinnamon sticky rolls.

Or one drop of cinnamon oil in some tea or warm water for an upset tummy.

You can also use one drop tea method or use a drop or two in a capsule form to swallow for blood sugar control or circulation issues. It is recommended to use the herb, cinnamon powder, for flavoring of most foods.

 If used on skin it can be irritating and burning effect. Some will have a have allergic reactions to cinnamon.



Cindy Burrows, B.S., M.T., Herbalist, is a Natural Health Consultant helping individuals start health programs to improve their life, wellness and happiness. Cindy is a speaker, writer and entrepreneur of several businesses.



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